Effera strengthens its investment in environmental technology
Effera collaborates with Innovation Norway
Innovation Norway was established in 2003 as a result of a merger of the Norwegian Business and Rural Development Fund, the Norwegian Export Council, the Norwegian Tourist Board and the Norwegian Guidance Office for Inventors. Until 2009, the company was 100% owned by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, before the Storting decided that the county municipalities should take over 49% of the shares. The company's financial framework is set in the state budget.
Innovation Norway has a stated goal of contributing to sustainable growth and exports for Norwegian business and industry through capital and expertise, and today has various schemes for Norwegian companies. The environmental technology scheme is aimed at companies that contribute to solving an environmental problem, and has already in 2020 allocated NOK 750 million to important and large innovation projects in environmental technology. Through a good collaboration with the regional office of Innovation Norway in Grimstad, Effera has been awarded a grant for a digitization project that contributes to the green shift.
«Dialogen med Innovasjon Norge og Jon Arne Rasmussen har vært effektiv og svært viktig for vår videre satsning. Vi presenterte et godt prosjekt for dem tidligere i år og gjennom god veiledning har Innovasjon Norge styrket prosjektet ytterligere. Rasmussen har både utfordret oss og introdusert nye ideer vi har implementert i vårt arbeid», forteller Frank Wehus, leder av Forretningsutvikling i Effera.
It is not unnatural for technology companies to downgrade innovation in demanding times, as it is extra motivating to see that Innovation Norway increases its commitment to Norwegian innovation companies. Local presence allows for continuous feedback that helps the processes work both smoothly and efficiently.
«Norway's economy has been exposed to both the effects of COVID-19 and a recent fall in the oil market. Entrepreneurship and innovation have never been more important, and Innovation Norway has tripled its subsidy to established companies after 12 March this year. We want to play on teams with companies that have ambitions and expertise to develop Norwegian business, and Effera is a very good example of a company we want to support in their development activities. It has been a pleasure to assist Effera in their application process, a company that is constructive and shows high competence in its field » says Jon Arne Rasmussen, Senior Advisor in Innovation Norway.
The project in question involves the use of structured data, expanded use of sensors (IIoT) and control systems to improve and launch new smart solutions for the tunnel and construction industry. The implementation of the project means that tunnel and road projects will have reduced costs, reduced CO2 emissions, increased efficiency and increased safety for workers at a construction site.
«Our vision is to lead our world into the digital age, and Innovation Norway has been a very important and central partner so that we can assist the construction industry on their digital journey. We therefore want to thank Innovation Norway, and especially Rasmussen, for both support and advice that allows us to continue our mission of developing and selling smart solutions for the tunnel and construction industry. It has given us results, we have an incredibly dedicated team with us that deserves all the credit for increased order book and commercial growth in a period of great uncertainty associated with COVID-19 », says Even Øgrey Brandsdal, CEO. and Effera.
August 26, 2020