Effera and Hæhre & Isachsen Gruppen are the first in the market to automate machine safety
Press release
The Hæhre & Isachsen Group is the initiator of Effera being the first in the market with a fully automated solution in machine safety. The solution, Machine operator verification, is a major and important milestone in Hæhre & Isachsen's work to ensure the safety of all machine operators and the company's most important goal is for all employees to go home safely.
"We are committed to challenging today's systems and at the same time being a driving force for innovative solutions that contribute to increased safety. We chose to work with Effera as they have shown that they understand the industry by developing smart solutions that help make our everyday lives safer and more efficient. We are proud to have completed a longer development run that not only benefits us, but all our industry colleagues » says Lars Hæhre, general manager of Hæhre & Isachsen Industri AS.
Effera is a technology company that develops and sells smart solutions for the tunnel and construction industry and has the Internet of Things (IoT) as its core competence. Effera builds all its solutions on an open IoT platform and is the market leader with their safety solutions for the tunnel industry. Now they are also at the forefront as providers of innovative solutions within machine safety and machine maintenance.
«Our task was to create a simple and intuitive solution that contributes to a safer working day for machine operators without compromising on efficiency. We have only received positive feedback after the solution was implemented, and one of our leading ambassadors is a 71-year-old man with a long career in the industry. It has been incredibly inspiring to work with Hæhre & Isachsen, which is a pioneer in digitalisation and puts safety above all else » says Even Øgrey Brandsdal, CEO of Effera AS.
Driver verification has been developed to ensure that machines have passed expert checks and that the driver is both sober, has a valid certificate and documented safety training before the machine can be used. The solution is connected to the Central Register for Machinery and Competence, SFS, to ensure that all data is both verified and stored in the cloud. The process only takes seconds to complete using a mobile phone, and works independently of internet access.
Simply explained, the operator must perform an approved breath test and then "tap" the mobile phone on a tablet before the machine can start. In cases where the operator lacks documented safety training, the training can be carried out on a mobile phone in the cabin.
Hæhre and Isachsen entered into a collaboration with Effera already in 2019 to outline a solution that through a longer development process has resulted in Machine Driver Verification being ready for launch after several months of successful testing on Vestby and Langøya.
"We have deliberately chosen not to own the solution as we want to make this available to the entire industry. We have a shared responsibility to improve safety, and this is our contribution to increasing the machine safety of everyone who earns a living in the construction industry. We believe it is only a matter of time before all machines in Norway receive similar solutions, at the same time as we know that developers applaud contractors who invest in safety solutions for their employees » continues Lars Hæhre.
Machine operator verification is built on an open platform, so that both machine manufacturers and contractors can easily implement the solution on their machines. The solution is owned by Effera and is completely in line with their vision of leading the tunnel and construction industry into the digital age.
«Maskinførerverifikasjon er et bevis på at store anleggsvirksomheter, som Hæhre & Isachsen, er på full fart inn i en digital hverdag. Vårt mål er å gjøre hverdagen papirløs hvor mobiltelefonen er det sentrale verktøyet for både å tilegne, utføre, dokumentere og effektivisere arbeidsoppgaver. Å være først i markedet med en helautomatisert løsning innen maskinsikkerhet er noe både vi og initiativtaker Hæhre & Isachsen kan være særdeles stolte over» says Even Øgrey Brandsdal.
October 7, 2020